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Sufficient Encouragement Page 12

  He stepped closer to her. “I was inclined to think so at first, but I was afforded a moment of clarity. Did you not say love took time to bloom?”

  “Thank you then for suggesting your friend return, for I am certain you will see the love between Jane and Mr. Bingley grow.”

  He blinked in apparent confusion and shook his head slightly. “Yes, I think you may be correct.” He looked at her steadfastly again before abruptly asking, “May I escort you home?”

  “Thank you, but you must be tired from your journey, and your sister would never forgive me if I caused you yet another cold.”

  “Fear not, I am entirely well.”

  She looked closely at him. “You are fatigued. Take care, sir.” She waved at him and turned before he could argue again.

  In two days’ time came a message from Caroline Bingley requesting that Jane and Elizabeth spend the following Monday morning at Netherfield.

  “I will arrange for the carriage,” their father grumbled.

  Elizabeth was surprised by his mood but remembered her mother had been more trying than usual with the excitement of Jane’s first real prospect of marriage. No matter their father’s strangeness, Jane and Elizabeth thanked him profusely before Mrs. Bennet might scheme of some way for them to remain at Netherfield for another week.

  The sisters arrived at Netherfield with feelings widely different from their last entrance to the house, which had been the night of the Netherfield ball. Then Jane had been assured of the affection of her two friends and nearly as much of their brother. Since Caroline’s letter, however, she was far less assured and had noted it to her sister. Elizabeth felt Jane’s nervousness but never worried over Bingley’s regard, and so her thoughts were primarily on meeting Miss Darcy. She was more than commonly anxious to please the girl and yet fearful that the brother’s partiality had raised high expectations.

  Of seeing Darcy again, Elizabeth was entirely unsure how she felt. If she understood correctly from their chance meeting the other day, his admiration had not diminished, nor was he offended by her last treatment of him. She now recognised she had reasons to esteem and respect him. She was even grateful for his admiration and could not deny she felt an interest in his welfare. Her vanity told her that he may be in her power, and she only wished she knew if to employ it would lead to the happiness of them both.

  Miss Bingley greeted them with cold civility. “How nice to see you again, Miss Bennet, Miss Elizabeth,” she said with an elegant curtsy.

  Mr. Bingley quickly came to his sister’s side as the ladies returned the civility. “It does seem as though it has been a very long time since we were last all together dancing here,” he said while looking intently at Jane.

  “It was only the twenty sixth of November, Charles,” Mrs. Hurst declared. “You were gone hardly past eight days.”

  “Eight days may as well have been eight months!”

  Jane smiled. “It has been nearly a fortnight, and a fortnight may seem a very long time indeed on occasion.”

  A young lady standing nearby, who was tall, had a womanly figure and countenance, and was surely Miss Darcy, giggled. “Forgive me,” she whispered and looked quickly to Mr. Darcy for acceptance.

  Elizabeth began to walk to them. “If your thoughts tend like mine, then you were laughing only because you know the nearly irrepressible excitement one feels when looking forward to an event and yet it being of some distance away.”

  “Yes, that is it entirely!” she cried. “I have been looking forward to meeting you now for nearly a month!”

  “Then you must wait no longer,” Darcy said and smiled affectionately at both ladies before making the formal introduction.

  A gentleman who had been pouring a glass of port with Mr. Hurst then came forward. “Yes, dear Georgie was unbearable with her desire to come to Hertfordshire.” He smiled at Miss Darcy, who returned it, and Elizabeth was happy to see the younger lady was not too embarrassed to be teased. “It was Darcy, though, who apparently needed to come so quickly that he needed to ride with Bingley ahead of us.”

  The gentleman gave Darcy a good natured clap on the shoulder, but Elizabeth saw Darcy stiffen. “Bingley asked if I might journey with him.”

  Wishing to put Darcy at ease, Elizabeth spoke. “I think you have settled our debate at last, Mr. Darcy. It seems on general matters of little importance you will easily give sway to the persuasion of a friend. Unless, of course, your other friend here had suggested you remain in London until the originally appointed hour?”

  Darcy’s lips turned up in a slow smile. “You have the right of it. My cousin did attempt to delay me, but it must mean I prefer Bingley that much the more. Miss Elizabeth, allow me to introduce my cousin, Viscount Arlington. Arlington, Miss Elizabeth Bennet.”

  Arlington bowed, and Elizabeth curtsied.

  The group began to take their seats, and Darcy escorted Georgiana to Elizabeth’s side. “May I retrieve you some refreshments?” he asked. Upon returning, he lowered his head while handing her the plate and said for Elizabeth’s ears only, “Perhaps you mistake the matter of my draw to Hertfordshire, and it is someone else entirely who persuaded me that returning as soon as possible was the best course.”

  He looked her in the eye, but Elizabeth could not read his look at all. She attempted not to blush as he returned for his own plate and then took his seat.

  The course of the morning passed swiftly. There was no chance for private conversation with either Darcy or his sister again, but everyone proved pleasant. Even Miss Bingley and Mrs. Hurst seemed to feel their affection for Jane reawaken. Elizabeth almost considered they had resolved themselves to Mr. Bingley marrying Jane, but then she could not consider what would have changed their mind so quickly unless he had made some kind of announcement of his intent to them. The thought, which once would have brought joy, now brought only trepidation. If Jane and Bingley married soon, Darcy would surely return to London to allow the newlyweds space. Her mind rapidly considered if she could invite Georgiana to stay at Longbourn, but that would not solve the concern of frequently meeting with Darcy, as she now wished.

  The sisters returned to Longbourn without incident and with smiles on their faces. As Elizabeth attempted to sleep that evening, she went over again how she may ensure both her sister’s happiness and now her own but could draw no satisfactory conclusion.

  Chapter Ten

  “That went well, did it not?” Bingley asked after the Misses Bennet had boarded their carriage. He looked anxiously at Arlington and Darcy.

  “Yes, Jane and Eliza are just as eager as ever to gain a rich husband,” Caroline said in disgust.

  Bingley opened his mouth, and Darcy immediately stiffened, but their defence came from the most surprising place. “You are quite mistaken in their characters, Miss Bingley,” said Georgiana. “They could hardly be mercenary! Lizzy even turned down a proposal from her father’s heir!”

  Everyone turned shocked eyes to Georgiana, who blushed.

  “I heard that rumour as well,” said Caroline. “I can hardly credit it for being true. Eliza is no fool, and their mother would never allow it.”

  “It was no rumour! Lizzy told me in a letter. She is quite distressed that her friend is marrying Mr. Collins on so slight an acquaintance and when she had such very good reasons for refusing him herself.”

  “You correspond with Eliza Bennet!” Caroline exclaimed more than asked. Recovering herself, she smoothed her gown and then smiled sweetly at Georgiana. “You are still young, dear, and are learning who to trust. A few weeks’ correspondence is nothing. You cannot truly know them.”

  “I recommended the arrangement myself,” Darcy said.

  “William would never suggest a false friend for me. He is always excessively careful in his associations.”

  Bingley suppressed a smile to see Georgiana stand up for herself.

  “I can recall a time when you believed the Bennets, Eliza in particular, to be not worth your notice, Mr. Darcy,” Car
oline said.

  “That was only when I first knew them,” he replied. “It has been many weeks that I have thought them, Miss Elizabeth in particular, to be exactly the sort of young ladies I would most wish for my sister to know.” He met Caroline’s eyes, and for the first time, Bingley began to wonder if Darcy was serious in his attentions towards Miss Elizabeth.

  “But you cannot think they have much chance of a good match.” Louisa finally entered the conversation.

  “They cannot raise the situation or fortune of many gentlemen, but that is only one consideration to be had in marriage,” said Darcy. “Power is fleeting, and money can be lost. Affection and respect are most lasting, and in that, each man must answer for himself.”

  “But so many are fools!” Caroline exclaimed.

  “If we have established the sisters are not mercenary, then we must assume they do not intend to attract husbands by mean arts. If that be the case, then there is no fear of bewitchment. If your brother, who has been of age for several years now and is entrusted with your financial care, loves Miss Bennet, then let that be the end of it,” Lord Arlington said.

  “Hear, hear!” Hurst raised a glass in agreement.

  “I am in the room,” Bingley said at last. “And I do love Miss Bennet.”

  “There is no need to be hasty,” Caroline said. “You are so often in love, Charles, that it would be cruel to raise her expectations even higher and then lose interest.”

  Bingley narrowed his eyes. “In London, you claimed Miss Bennet indifferent to me. This morning, you declared she was mercenary. Now you think her tender-hearted. I beg you to advise me no more.”

  Caroline blushed and looked as though she wished to say something in her defence, but Louisa stood and suggested that the ladies dress for dinner. Caroline and Louisa quickly filed out of the room, and Georgiana kissed her brother and cousin on the cheek before following. Hurst went upstairs for a nap.

  “What do you think, Arlington?” Bingley asked.

  “Miss Bennet did not even notice I was in the room. She had eyes and ears only for you. A mercenary woman cannot fake that sort of attachment. They are always wondering who the other men in the room are.”

  “I appreciated your defence, Darcy.”

  “You need not thank me for speaking the truth. I do not like your sisters’ influence upon mine. I would not have her become bitter and cunning.”

  “All the more reason for us to call on Longbourn soon,” Arlington said with a wink at Bingley.

  Darcy twisted his signet ring. “You will find the other girls too silly for your notice. Perhaps being a viscount will sufficiently impress Mrs. Bennet into silence.”

  “What had you said to Miss Bingley? Affection and respect may make up for other misfortunes in marriage. I think I could easily overlook the failures of the family for the treasures of Longbourn.”

  Darcy’s jaw tightened, and he said in a rough voice, “Arlington, I will not tolerate your antics here. How can you protect Georgiana from Wickham if your behaviour is so similar?”

  “Nonsense, Darcy! I would not be interested in a lady’s dowry.”

  “Yes, I know what interests you there.”

  “Do you? Mother has been after me to marry. I will not take one of her simpering London debutantes, though.”

  Bingley watched Darcy’s grip on his glass tighten. “Then I wish you luck with Miss Bingley, for there is no one else with whom we are associated to court or flirt with in Hertfordshire.”

  “Drink your port, Cousin; your health requires it. Either you cannot count or your memory is failing. Miss Elizabeth is perfectly lovely and charming. Knowing she would refuse her father’s heir makes her quite…enticing.”

  Darcy slammed his drink down and stood. “Elizabeth deserves far more than you!”

  “Ah, and are you the worthy man who will win her hand?” Arlington asked coolly and again winked at Bingley.

  “I…” Darcy ran a hand through his hair. “Your imagination is very rapid.”

  “Darcy, everyone in the room saw your admiration,” Bingley said.

  “Everyone but Miss Bennet saw it,” Arlington amended.

  “Admiration need not lead to love.”

  “You as good as declared that love should lead to matrimony,” Arlington said. “I did not know you had changed your opinion.”

  “Bingley’s situation is not the same as mine.”

  “Bingley’s lady is not the same as yours. Be careful, Darcy. Men will see encouragement where they wish it. It sounds as though one stupid sot already screwed up enough courage to propose marriage to her. You never know when another may come along,” Arlington said. “I am here because your charming nemesis is here as well. Either protect her with your name or leave her alone.”

  Darcy sat back heavily in his chair. “And how does a man know if he sees encouragement only where he wishes it?”

  “Are you asking for me to discover her interest?”

  Darcy mutely nodded.

  “You certainly did quick work of discovering Jane’s!” Bingley cried cheerfully before standing. “We should dress for dinner. Perhaps this evening we can consider more plans on how to facilitate our courtships.”


  Georgiana hovered near her door before dinner. She could hardly believe she had the nerve to stand up to Miss Bingley. She had desired to do so many times before but always feared the repercussions. She knew her brother would never allow a person to speak to her as unkindly as she has spoken to Miss Bingley, and she would have hated to be the cause of strain between her beloved brother and his dearest friend. Yet that had always been her flaw. She was too eager to seek approval from everyone, including George—that is, Mr. Wickham.

  She had known for some time it was not love between them. She had even accepted that he hunted her merely for her dowry and a sort of rivalry between him and her brother. In fact, the minute she disclosed her plans to her brother and broke Wickham’s confidence, she understood she did not love the other man. She was grateful her brother put a stop to the elopement, but that Wickham never cared for her at all and was so callous about her feelings wounded her deeply.

  For many months, she was afraid to make new acquaintances and wary of the old ones. Mrs. Annesley alone had made headway with her, and Georgiana trusted her only because her brother did. Mrs. Annesley was the widow of the old Kympton rector, and William had known her his entire life. Now she felt as though she could trust her own abilities again.

  As she waited for her brother to arrive to escort her to the dining room, she considered her new friends. Jane was clearly in love with Mr. Bingley. Her eyes scarcely left the gentleman, although if anything she was more reserved in his company. It was exactly as her cousin had said. She noticed only Mr. Bingley nearly to the exclusion of everyone else.

  Elizabeth was harder to make out. She was certainly friendly, but she seemed more anxious to please in general. She also attended to Jane and Bingley’s conversation as often as possible while giving the air of paying attention to those around her. Could she love Mr. Bingley as well?

  Georgiana could hardly fathom it. Elizabeth was far too devoted to Jane to interfere there. It followed then that her interest was simply out of concern for Jane, but surely she had no reason to worry. Mr. Bingley as good as declared himself before dinner. On the other hand, Mr. Bingley had left Netherfield and stayed away for nearly a fortnight and was not known for his constancy. She did not doubt his feelings, but she knew first-hand how the chances of one day may doom a fledgling relationship. The same concern must be what weighed on Elizabeth’s mind.

  Georgiana chuckled. If she was entirely honest with herself, her interest in Jane was out of interest in Elizabeth. If she was willing to give as much help as she could to Jane and Bingley, she was willing to outright matchmake for William and Elizabeth. She tapped her fingers on her lips in thought. She would need an ally. An experienced ally. James was just the person to be her partner. She laughed again. William woul
d be furious…until he realised just how perfect for him Elizabeth was.

  “What are you laughing about?” James asked through the crack in the door, causing Georgiana to jump.

  “Oh! You startled me!”

  “Now I know you were up to something naughty.”

  Georgiana raised an eyebrow. “How can you know that?”

  He gave a lopsided grin. “I am often up to no good and can spot it in others.”

  She grabbed his hand and pulled him inside her room. “It is exactly your experience I wish to speak to you about!”

  “Pardon?” James turned red and began to choke. “Georgie…I know about your little foray this summer, and perhaps it has made you curious, but there will be no speaking about my level of experience!”

  “What? Oh—you had thought I wanted to–to–to talk about that!” She swatted at his arm. “No, no, no. I would never—”

  “Georgie, what did you want to talk to me about?”

  She had intended to speak rationally, but after their earlier misunderstanding, the words gushed out of her. “I think Mr. Bingley and Miss Bennet would make a very handsome couple!”

  James chuckled. “Is that so?”


  “And they must need your assistance somehow?”

  “Sometimes couples need some moments alone to settle matters. That seems to be your specialty.”

  “Georgie,” James said in a warning tone.

  “And other couples may be entirely unaware of their feelings.”

  “Now, that I know nothing of at all.”

  “Oh yes, I am sure in your imagination every lady who meets you immediately swoons over your handsomeness and charm.”

  “I would not put it that way, but…”

  “Miss Bingley is entirely immune to your charms.”

  “Miss Bingley is more intelligent than most ladies.”

  “Ha! Craftier, you mean. She believes she has a better chance of wearing down William’s resistance than actually capturing you long enough to meet with a parson.”

  James pinched the bridge of his nose. “You know we spoil you far too much. Out with it. What do you desire my assistance with?”